Who I am

The address of my website is:

Data controller

The owner of the data processing is Luigi Reccia - P.Iva 08184961210 -

Responsible for the treatment

  • Hosting provider:  Pixieset Inc.
  • External collaborators, appointed by me, in case their collaboration is necessary to provide technical assistance and maintenance to the website, without prejudice to the fact that these subjects will not proceed in turn to the communication to third parties of user data.

What personal data I collect and why

The user's data are collected to allow the owner to provide their services, as well as for the following purposes: to respond to requests for contact through a special contact form, interaction with social networks / external platforms, and statistics.

Contact form

The User, by filling in with his own Data the contact form (name and surname, email, telephone), consents to their use to respond to requests for information, estimate, or any other nature indicated by the header of the form. The data provided will be stored in my Gmail inbox, only in order to contact you for the request sent.

I digitally keep your data and your consent to the processing of data on a database, hosted on Aruba S.p.A., as long as they are useful to exchange emails until the satisfaction of your request or the signing of a collaboration contract.

The User can always ask for the interruption of the treatment or the cancellation of data by writing to


This site uses third-party cookies, used to provide additional services and features to visitors and to improve the use of the site.

This privacy policy does not apply to services provided by third parties, and this site has no control over their cookies, as they are fully managed by third parties.

Cookies can derive:

  • from Disqus aforementioned
  • from sharing buttons on social networks Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and GooglePlus, and in some cases I embed content from YouTube, Instagram, etc; all these platforms save the data in the cloud on servers that can reside outside the EU and use their own cookies to recognize you, if you are browsing after being connected to your accounts.
  • For more information, browse to the related privacy policy:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google
  • Pinterest
  • from using Google Analytics for usage statistics of my site, in an anonymized form
  • by using Facebook Pixel (link cookie policy that allows you to track conversions that occur on my website as a result of the ads / advertising campaign I'm running on Facebook.The saved cookie communicates to Facebook every time a user has joined a particular campaign on my site.Facebook compares the conversion event with the group of people who were shown the advertisement or who clicked on it, in order to provide information that helps me understand the return on investment for my advertising costs.
  • My site does not use this cookie for the purposes of profiling the data subject but only for statistical purposes.


I use Google Analytics as an analysis tool by Google that through the use of cookies (performance cookies), collects anonymous browsing data in order to examine the use of the site by users, compile reports on activities on the site and provide other information , including the number of visitors and the pages visited.

Use this tool so that your IP address is anonymized, by resetting the last part of the address itself. The information generated by the Google Analytics cookie on your use of the website (including the first part of your IP address) is then transmitted to Google and stored on its servers in the United States.

We prevent Google from matching the data collected through Analytics with those of its other products.

If you do not want to be "traced", even anonymously, you can download the add-on to disable the sending of navigation data to Google Analytics: it works with the most popular browsers, and is distributed free by Google.

Sharing your data with others

Your data could be made accessible for the following purposes:

- to my collaborators as agents and/or process managers and/or system administrators;

- suppliers for the management and maintenance of the website, which perform outsourcing activities on my own, in their capacity as external data controllers.

For how long I keep your information

I digitally keep your data and your consent to the processing of data on a database, hosted on Pixieset Inc., provided they are useful for the exchange of e-mails until the satisfaction of your request or the signing of a collaboration contract.

It should be noted that the data controllers, initially cited, may own backup copies of this site on servers or other personal support. These backups may include both the source code and the contents of the site, as well as the data provided by the User.

If you have sent me a message through the contact form on the site, you can always ask for the interruption of the processing or the cancellation of data by writing to

What rights do you have on your data?

If you have sent me a message through this site, or you have left comments, you can request to receive a file exported from the site with the personal data we have about you, including the data you provided. You can also request that we delete all personal data concerning you. This does not include data that we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes

You can exercise your rights at any time by sending an e-mail to

If in the past, you have hired me to take pictures of important events, and you are under contract, given consent to the publication of photos on my website, you can always revoke it for any reason, sending a request to and I will arrange the cancellation of the photo album as soon as possible.

How to protect your data

Your data is stored in the host database of Pixieset Inc. which has appropriate security systems for their servers.

The data is collected via an encrypted system, activating an SSL certificate of protection on the server.